Fri, 09/28/2012 - 15:42

Tactical Tech recently attended the Open Knowledge Festival in Helsinki – a mix of lectures, workshops and hackathons around the theme of Open Knowledge in Action. Tactical Tech staff from the Evidence and Action team gave a presentation in the Practical Tools for Visualisation session. Maya Ganesh presented the Sex Workers Voices Project and Emma Prest demonstrated some of the...
Fri, 08/17/2012 - 18:00
Tactical Tech has been working with two sex-worker collectives in India and Cambodia to explore how community-based organisations can use data and...
Mon, 07/30/2012 - 18:43
Delhi Digests is a collaboration between Tactical Tech and Toxics Link, New Delhi. Delhi Digests hosts a growing collection of interviews, images and data around the issue of e-waste in Delhi. A series of conversations with activists, waste-pickers, urban planners, journalists and bureaucrats explore how citizens, the state and corporations coexist...
Mon, 06/18/2012 - 20:29
Every month we're adding new tool reviews to our website on data visualisation for advocacy, Drawing by Numbers. Most recently we added reviews of: Data Wrangler: is a free online tool that can be used to reformat, clean up and organise your dataset (produced by Stanford Visualisation Group) OpenHeatMap: an online mapping tool that lets you create static or...
Mon, 06/04/2012 - 14:53

Open Knowledge Foundation and Peer-2-Peer University have started up the online School of Data to train a new generation of 'data wranglers'. And Tactical Tech is joining in too. Why? On our Drawing by Numbers project we've written substantially about how helpful and understanding of data and...
Fri, 04/27/2012 - 17:23

The Land Matrix, an online interactive database on large-scale land deals is launched today 27h April 2012 at 00:01 CET during the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Tactical Studios (with Tactical Tech's reveal programme) has worked with the Land Coalition partnership (CDE, CIRAD, GIGA, GIZ and ILC) to create a public interface providing unprecedented access to the largest...
Thu, 04/19/2012 - 14:35
TTC staff are running a workshop on "Visualising Women’s Work:Using information design in advocacy for women's rights" and a skillshare at the Association for Women's Rights in Development Forum in Istanbul.The full session details are: April 19, 2012 4.30-6pm "Using information design in advocacy for women's rights" at the ICT Hub and April 22, 2012 11am-12 noon - A...
Mon, 04/16/2012 - 22:48
The latest installment from our Data and Design How-tos is here! It includes plenty of examples of interesting open data projects from different parts of the world as well as advice on how to use open data in activism yourself. Read an excerpt below or go straight to the note. Data seems more abundant these days. Governments and international institutions are publishing more and a...
Mon, 04/16/2012 - 13:35
Members from both Tactical Tech's Reveal and Protect programme will be at the AWID Forum, running various workshops and trainings. The Reveal programme will be facilitating the following sessions:17th April: at the Feminist Tech Exchange (FTX) organised by the APC Women's Program and the AWID forum April 19, 4.30-6pm, at AWID Forum, "Using information design in advocacy for women's...
Fri, 03/30/2012 - 19:31
Kaustubh Srikanth from Tactical Tech is one the founding members of the Open Data group based in Bangalore. What started as a small Google group, has grown to include many people, ideas, projects, solutions, and challenges that using data in India presents. Kaustubh presented our new website on data visualisation for advocacy, Drawing by Numbers, at the Open Data Camp on 24 March.
Tue, 03/20/2012 - 21:39
The Europeam open data movement has made huge progress in the past few years, culminating in the announcement of the European Open Data Strategy by the European Commission. A growing number of developers, journalists, and activists are creating interesting open data projects which monitor and challenge transparency of governments and corporations and provide information and services to the public...
Mon, 03/05/2012 - 21:51
Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuzsynski facilitated two events introducing participants to data visualisation, and how to use it in advocacy, at the Balkan Peer Exchange in Belgrade. This event had around 100 participants representing think tanks and advocacy organisations from the Western Balkans.
Thu, 03/01/2012 - 23:20
In the last few years, infographics have gained a reputation for representing otherwise vague, confusing information in a way which communicates a message that anyone can grasp. Handling information and data is part of mosts activists daily work: numbers, locations, words, photographs, on everything from water pollution to sexual harrassment. This data may sit in a spreadsheet and be pulled...
Fri, 01/20/2012 - 20:19
Tactical Technology Collective and the Centre for Internet & Society invite you to the second round of discussions of the Exposing Data Series at the CIS office in Bangalore on 24 January 2012. Siddharth Hande and Hapee de Groot will be speaking on this occasion. Like countless others, this title is a convenient adaptation of a 1972 play by Brian Clark, Whose Life is it Anyway?, a...
Mon, 12/12/2011 - 19:44
Ghaidaa Al Absi, working for Kefaiaa in Yemen, attended our workshop in Jordan in December 2010, wanting to raise awareness and create the space for discussion about the harassment of women on the streets of Yemen. Inspired by the campaign, Harrassmap, which maps harassment in Cairo, and hoping to develop something similar for Yemen, Ghaidaa took part in the mapping track of our 3-day workshop....
Mon, 10/03/2011 - 15:43
We've all seen events of the past century made significant through iconic images: the visual that epitomises the moment, tells the back-story or reveals something that will not, or cannot, be articulated. For example, the 1972 photograph of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, a Vietnamese girl running naked, arms outstretched, burned by a napalm attack became emblematic of the Vietnam war. The present day...
Thu, 07/07/2011 - 21:15

Where is your evidence? This difficult question rests beneath the work of all human rights, environmental and social justice advocates around the world, whatever their issue. From interviews with survivors of war crimes to soil samples from polluted rivers and traces of corruption revealed from leaked government communications, a staggering amount of data and information is drawn into...
Wed, 03/16/2011 - 19:40
This week, Tactical Tech will join researchers and transparency advocates from over thirty think tanks, watchdog organisations and public data projects in Central and Eastern Europe to discuss the potential of using data in their communication and advocacy work. The conference, 'Use of Information and Data for Enhanced Communication and Advocacy', is organised by the Open Society Institute's...
Thu, 02/10/2011 - 01:31

As a more arts-focussed than advocacy event, the Transmediale Festival of Art and Digital Culture offered an opportunity for Tactical Tech to engage a different audience in thinking about how data and visualisation strategies are a means for political engagement. The festival was designed with an open and informal approach allowing to walk around the venue, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and...
Mon, 12/20/2010 - 17:03

The group doing "jazz hands" at the sunrise circle. Photo by Samah Arafat. “Inspiring”, “diverse”, “useful”, “new” “creative”, “fun”, “challenging” and “exciting” are some of the words used by participants of the Visualising Women's Rights in the Arab World (VWR) workshop, to describe their experience. Conceptualised and organised by Tactical Tech and hosted at the community-run...
Sat, 12/04/2010 - 14:11
On the 5th December 55 people dedicated to advancing women's rights will be heading off into the middle of the Jordanian desert on a 3-day adventure of networking, skill-share and learning. There, staying at Feynan Ecolodge, they will explore how the visual presentation of important data can create powerful campaigns on issues such as gender-based violence, family law, women's political...
Fri, 11/19/2010 - 22:54
Products of Slavery, the infographic website produced by our own Tactical Studios project, was picked up by the excellent Infosthetics blog and it's had some great coverage as a result. Influential publications like the US-based Good Magazine and Germany's Die Zeit have featured it on their blogs and many independent bloggers have been writing about it as a visualisation...
Thu, 10/14/2010 - 19:23

It's not just trainers and t-shirts - over 120 types of products in 58 countries are made using forced or child labour. Products of Slavery, our new data visualisation for Anti-Slavery International, shows this clearly. Products of Slavery is a data visualisation website about forced labour and child labour, also known as modern slavery, in the supply chain of many consumer goods. Tactical...
Fri, 09/24/2010 - 17:58
Tactical Tech's new project Visualising Women's Rights in the Arab World aims to strengthen the use of visual techniques amongst women’s rights activists in the Arab World. This project will focus on three core visual techniques, information design, mapping, and imaging and animation. Visualising Women's Rights in the Arab World consists of three components: researching and...
Tue, 08/24/2010 - 20:12

Tactical Tech launches the Visualising Women's Rights in the Arab World project with a workshop for those working on women's rights issues in Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon. The workshop will take place over four days, 5-8 December at The Feynan Ecolodge in Jordan, where the 26 participants will be introduced to such techniques as information design and geo-mapping as techniques for campaigning....
Tue, 05/18/2010 - 03:13

Maps can reveal inequalities, differences in perception and represent issues and communities that might otherwise be ignored. Teaching advocates how to use geographical mapping techniques equips them with a fresh perspective and a powerful tool for their work. Such was the philosophy behind the series of workshops, “Maps for Making Change”, organised by the Centre for Internet and Society in...
Sat, 04/03/2010 - 03:43
From 22-25 March, co-founders of Tactical Tech, Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski were in Beirut training young activists as part of the British Council's Global Changemakers Programme. The participants consisted of a group of around 60 young community workers and social activists aged between 16-25 from 14 different countries across the Middle East and North Africa.The aim of this programme...